Management Meetings

Frequent meetings that are measured and managed are key to improving performance

Performance review via frequent and productive management meetings are a key part of overall performance improvement. We have developed both an audit criterion to review these meetings and also a process to ensure focus on meeting objectives and outcomes are met. Management meeting routines also identify areas that are being performed well and highlight improvement opportunities.

Once you clearly define your meetings, everyone knows why they are there and understands how meetings are designed to achieve the desired outcomes. By forming habits of having a meeting audit timetable, it will ensure that your meetings are continuously delivering a positive result.

Our program calls for a tiered approach with escalating review levels, each designed with a specific purpose and involving the appropriate team members

Review Level


1hr Mini Reviews within Shift
  • Analyse data over a short timeframe to provide focus
  • Set on-going focus
Short Interval Control (SIC)
1, 2 or 4hr Tactical Review within Shift
  • Analyse data since last review
  • Provide focus until next review
  • Set Improvement targets for next interval
24 Hour Meetings (AM/PM)
  • Analyse data over past 24hrs
  • Provide focus for next 24hrs
  • Set Improvement targets for next day
Weekly/Period Strategic
  • Review week’s performance of each line
  • Identify improvement opps
  • Set improvement targets for next week
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SIC Review

1. Purpose

  • Analyse data since the last review to provide focus area until the next review.
  • Plan ahead for any planned downtime events until the next review and identify opportunities to carry out any maintenance activities.
  • Review effectiveness of actions carried out since the last review.

2. Function

  • Identify what is going on.
  • Identify what should be happening to what is actually happening.
  • Identify what should be done.
  • Plan next steps.

3. Objectives

  • Identify the issues contributing to the greatest loss to the line since the last review and allocate actions and targets to resolve the losses.
  • Review effectiveness of actions carried out since the last tactical review.
  • Review any planned downtime event since the last review and identify actions if not within target.
  • Identify any planned downtime event due before the next review and plan readiness to make it as effective as possible.
  • Plan any maintenance activities requiring line stoppage by looking for the next available opportunity.

4. Minimum Standards and Measures

  • Agreed structure and attendance.
  • Top loss identified.
  • Improvement target set.
  • Responsibility or accountability assigned.

5. Attendance

  • Line Leader / Team Leader
  • Lead Operator / Line Engineer
  • Optional Manufacturing / Shift Manager

24 Hour Review

1. Purpose

  • Analyse data over the last 24 hours and provide focus for the next 24 hours.
  • Identify any asset care opportunities for the time period.
  • Review effectiveness of actions carried out in the past 24 hours.
  • Review compliance of short interval control reviews.
  • Identify any threats and opportunities in the next 24 hours.

2. Function

  • Identify what went on.
  • Identify what should have happened compared to what actually happened.
  • Review what was done.
  • Identify what should be done.
  • Plan next steps.
  • Identify what could go wrong (or go better than expected).

3. Objectives

  • Identify the top issues that contributed to the greatest OEE loss for each line and provide focus for the day, allocating corrective actions.
  • Review effectiveness of actions generated in the last meeting.
  • Check compliance of the tactical review within shift and review effectiveness.
  • Review any internal and external planned downtime events and ensure actions are in place for all events out of allocated target.
  • Identify any asset care opportunities in the next 24 hours and plan for any maintenance requirements.

4. Minimum Standards and Measures

  • Agreed structure and attendance
  • Top losses for the last 24 hours identified.
  • Review correlation of top losses identified in shift tactical reviews with the 24 hour review.
  • Review effectiveness of actions.
  • Assign accountabilities, targets and timeframes.

5. Attendance

  • Manufacturing / Shift Manager
  • Line Leader / Team Leader
  • Lead Operator / Line Engineer
  • Technical Expert / Engineering Representative
  • Asset Care Representative
  • Optional Operations and Engineering Managers

Weekly Strategic Review

1. Purpose

  • Review the week’s performance and a rolling 4-8 week trend of each line.
  • Provide analysis of each line and identify focus areas.
  • Review effectiveness of closed actions.
  • Discuss improvement projects.

2. Function

  • Identify what has been going on.
  • Identify what should be happening compared to what has actually happened.
  • Identify what should be done.
  • Plan next steps.
  • Identify what could go wrong (or go better than expected).

3. Objectives

  • Review the week’s performance and compare against 4-8 week rolling average of each line and provide information for the trends.
  • Identify the top focus areas for each line and provide corrective actions to resolve the greatest loss areas.
  • Review medium/long term action list and focus on overdue actions.
  • Confirm effectiveness of actions closed within the week.
  • Plan for any improvement projects by allocation targets, timeframe and resource.

4. Minimum Standards and Measures

  • Agreed structure and attendance
  • Top focus areas for each line identified.
  • Improvement targets and accountabilities assigned.
  • Review action completion and effectiveness.

5. Attendance

  • Operations Manager
  • Engineering Manager
  • Manufacturing / Shift Manager
  • Line Leader / Team Leader
  • Asset Care Manager
  • Optional Senior Team Operator

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