Aerospace & Automotive

Aerospace & Automotive industries look to technology to aid in meeting the forecasted increase in demand.

Growth projections abound for both aerospace and automotive, but like most other industries the customer demands are changing and advanced materials and processes are being used. To remain cost effective, technological innovation and improved performance throughout all levels of the supply chain are necessary.

  • Intense competition is driving technological innovation.
  • Increased production rates are required to meet demands.
  • Greater customisation, improved quality and increased cost reduction are priorities.
  • Advanced processes and real-time production data is allowing manufacturers to be on the leading edge.
  • Having the XL800 production monitoring displays throughout our organisation allows our production lines to visually monitor their own performance. At the same time, the remote monitoring of the data provides real-time feedback to our first and second level supervisors allowing them to react to changes in production throughput, increasing our efficiency and reducing downtime."

    Manufacturing Manager
    Tier One Automotive Supplier


Plant and Production Management is a balancing act of achieving production improvement gains against daily production challenges and team engagement. With the integration of innovative real-time monitoring, find significant and rapid KPI improvement gains.

  • Significant and rapid KPI improvement gains
  • Added insight and innovation on the shop floor
  • Boost to area or team’s performance
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Process Engineering in today’s plant is ever-limited by time and capital resources but dictates complex engineering solutions that employ a suite of IT and OT tools. Gain valuable insight with a detailed understanding of individual asset performance and correlation to overall output.

  • Measurement and improvement of maintenance and engineering KPI.
  • Identification of what is a maintenance versus an operational issue and prioritise resources
  • Insight without a drain on internal engineering resources
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Continuous Improvement success is derived from cost savings and project ROI but you need buy-in from operators and supervisors. Validate your SMED, Kaizen, downtime reduction and machine efficiency CI projects with software and management tools to quantify your success.

  • System to identify and quantify Continuous Improvement initiatives
  • Measurement and validation of Continuous Improvement activities
  • Ongoing adherence and process optimisation
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Optimise your operational structure and routines around the use of data with software and management tools that deliver actionable information in real-time.

  • Support to achieve World Class OEE and Operational Excellence
  • Maximised output with existing resources
  • Increased visibility across the enterprise
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  • Before adding the Vorne displays, our data was manually collected at the line. The data was so inaccurate that no one cared to use it for analysis. A good example is when an operator would run a line slow for a couple hours, they would simply add 10 minutes of downtime to cover the productivity loss. Now that we have clear and accurate data, visible to all, the reporting has become very accurate and of course productivity is up as well."

    Engineering Specialist
    Tier One Automotive Supplier

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