See MachineView at BevExpo 2016 in Manchester!



BevExpo is is the only UK exhibition to represent the entire beverage supply chain! In their words:

BevExpo2016 (incorporating Cellar to Seller and BrewEx) is an opportunity for the wider beverage industry to meet, learn and discover the excellence of products and services within the entire beverage industry supply chain.  Seminar areas, embraced within the exhibition stand area, will deliver presentations on products, equipment and services throughout the chain – from raw materials and ingredients to packaging, dispense and point of sale.  This two day super-sized Trade Talk brings all sectors of the beverage industry together, enabling manufacturers, suppliers and brand owners to meet, experience and celebrate excellence throughout the supply chain.

The event is being held within Manchester Central on the 15th and 16th of June 2016. It is organised by BFBi and founding partners include Drinktec, Institute of Brewing & Distilling and SIBA.

You can find LineView Solutions on Stand 6, right next to the seminar theatre! Bytronic and OptimumFX will also come along.

We look forward to meeting you there.

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