Starting today, we are offering our systems free-of-charge to help improve efficiency in key UK plants.
Manufacturers that are contributing to the global response of COVID-19 – whether that’s retooling to produce Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and ventilators, bottling companies adapting to produce hand sanitiser, shop floors that are running with reduced labour as a result of coronavirus, can contact our team to take advantage of the support.
“I am sure everyone wishes they could lend a hand in some way, to turn the tide on this pandemic”, states our Co-Founder and Operations Director, Ian Rowledge. “Well, the fact is, we can and we will. These are extraordinary days and our UK manufacturers need all the support that they can get. We have decided to offer efficiency support at no charge during this event.”
We have helped to improve efficiency in plants around the globe for nearly twenty years. The LineView™ system enables operation teams to instantly identify the highest impact opportunities for targeted productivity gains and maximise throughput. In our company’s history, every installation has generated productivity improvements.
“We have the ability to do a remote install”, continues Rowledge, “which means that your system will require minimal in-person implementation. We are not talking about months to get things running, we are talking days. If you are a UK manufacturer supporting the response, or impacted by COVID-19, please get in touch.”
We want to be very clear that some limitations may affect our ability to install, including geography, line constraints and other considerations such as government restrictions, but we will do our absolute best to offer support. Some implementation terms and conditions may apply.